The Real Foodie

Month: November, 2012

Save Your Gravy

Real food is too precious for me to throw away so I make sure I use up everything before it goes bad, rarely letting any go to waste and I make use of leftovers. With leftover rice I use it the next day to fry with an egg yolk for Olivia; and I use leftover oatmeal to make fried mush from the Nourishing Traditions cookbook or my own savory version of fried mush, omitting the maple syrup and adding grated cheese instead. I use the end pieces of a loaf of bread to make breadcrumbs and I cut up leftover roasted chicken to make chicken salad with mayonnaise. Leftover bones become stock and I skim off the fat to use again for frying.

One very precious leftover is gravy. It is a concentrated form of all of the nutrients from the pastured meat and contains a lot of gelatin. After my family Thanksgiving I saved the gravy left in the pan from the White Oak Pastures chicken my mother roasted which she wanted to throw away. Today I sauteed finely chopped potatoes in the gravy and its fat to make deliciously nutritious hash browns. Here’s how:

1. Cut potatoes finely.

2. Using a medium sized sauce pan fry the potatoes uncovered on a medium to high heat in leftover gravy, including the fat, till it boils.

3. Keep boiling uncovered on a medium to high heat until the potatoes are soft and all of the gravy evaporates leaving just the fat.

4. Using a fork to allow the fat to drip off, remove the potatoes from the pan and serve.

Lunch at Yardbird


After two days without power from the after effects of hurricane Sandy which flooded our basement, I thought Olivia needed a more varied diet than just fruit, raw yoghurt, avocado and raw cheese. Although it is important that a large percentage of one’s diet be made up of raw food, which is filled with many enzymes and nutrients that are destroyed through the cooking process, the fats found in pastured meat and minerals in bone broths are essential to health. So we went to one of the few restaurants in Miami that we go to, Yardbird Southern Table and Bar which serves mostly local or organic food (but not one hundred percent—the reason it is not my favourite—check out which is).

Olivia must have been craving some protein and healthy fats because she happily made her way through an entire plate of pastured chicken from White Oak Pastures and she had her first taste of fish roe taken off the top of my deviled eggs, which she enjoyed the look of but made a cringing face once the fishy taste exploded in her mouth. She finished off with some pickled cucumbers, which she loved as always. I felt much better as we went back to our dark and cold apartment, knowing she’d had a more full, varied and nutritious meal.